Thursday, June 28, 2007

Just another day

Today was a good day

It ended well, because me and Becca stayed up for a little last night comparing sketches. I have really gotten back in the habit of sketching all the time, just like I did in high school. I love working on a great sketch book. I woke up a little late, jumped out of bed, pounded a cup of tea, through a bunch of food in my purse, and ran down the hill a ways to get to class at 8. But it was still fun because we were just working on outside drawing around the campus. It was a nice morning I just ate my little breakfast and jammed out to some morning tunes, while I drew for a couple hours. I decided not to go to graphic design today, and I just went back to make some eggs. After a second small delicious breakfast I bopped around and ended up in the painting studio to work a little more on my new baby. Then after a couple hours there I went up to the courtyard and chilled out with some people. Around 1 I read for a little and worked on fixing some on my 2000 pictures that I have took. Then I heated up some pasta I had already made for lunch and also had a delicious apple and peanut butter. Then I had painting class at three, it was our first critique day. We critiqued our collages we had made from objects from our travels in the last few weeks. I love my piece just because it has so many things from my trip embedded under a painting. Everyone liked mine, and it made me feel good. I also got a lot of new ideas through other peoples paintings, it was a fun class. After that I ran to art history, which was a little boring because she did not get images for the class in time, so it was a two hour talk. BUT Rebecca a minute before the class was over started to jump in the doorway of the class, waving me to come. When class ended she grabbed me and said that she had made a hair appointment. So we ran upstairs and changed and then ran down the hill. Becca had been growing out here hair for 5 years and decided today to cut it all off. We went to the salon where the hottest italian young man I've seen this whole trip started to work with her. Stephano, as he was called, grabbed Becca's two foot long pony tail and cut it off. It was an exciting time. She got all sassed up and then we paid the man and gave him one more look over, and said ciao. But it's ok because I got a picture of his hot hot butt. Then we ran to dinner, which was good. There was mash potatoes for the first time, I had thirds. There were a couple birthdays tonight and some girls were going out, but due to money and a out of class assignment I decided to stay in. I talked to momma a little online, blogged which I'm doing right now, and then I was off to our swing on the hill to draw. Tomorrow is fun Friday, we are going to the pool all day and are having old fashion relay games like in grade school. As expected I am over come joy and tired of typing. So good night all ! Ciao from Italy.

Dena Nord

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