Tuesday, June 26, 2007

First Real Blog!

Today is Tuesday June 26th

Today was a chilly day, I couldn't sleep last night so I was already up when my alarm went off. I stuffed my face with delicious yogurt and tea. I know it is going to be a good day when there is strawberry yogurt. So at 8 I walked about 1/4 of the way down the hill to another building of our campus to the Severini building to drawing class. We had a quick critique on landscape drawings we did last week on charcoal. We were asked which drawings stood out in class, and to my surprise mine was first picked. Everyone said mine was "freaking awesome" and had "so much emotion" I was very pleased. I had been trying really hard not to be so tight with my drawing, and I tried a looser stylized technique. Later I went back to get some tea and back to bed because I had not slept well in tree days.

I slept until noon with a stomach ache waking me up. Its the weird food here. I am like grandma. I got up and cleaned a little around the room and read my last few pages I needed for art history. Then I jumped online to do more work on emailing professors and filing out forms to try to get my classes set in stone for fall. I took a break and chilled out in the courtyard. I journaled, sketched, and glued random things in my sketch book.

Then at 1 I went down in the cathedral which is for the first time our new painting studio. I had just sketched my own canvas by hand the day before and put white textured medium full of sand and dirt all over it yesterday. I even had my paint palette mixed, I was very eager to paint. I painted for an hour and a half, then went and made lunch. I made a turkey sandwich with lots of spices and vinegars. I even made fried potatoes with tomatoes as a side. It was delicious. Then I went back and worked some more on this large scale this work. Again, as in Milwaukee, in my painting class I am the only one that is working on a painting outside of class, and I already finished one. I feel great about it. After painting I have a brief art history class. I learn all about florentine art and the very birth of perspective. Which in fact was discovered through sculpture and not painting. I reflected upon the thought that I actually didn't have anywhere to be or anything to do for another hour and half before dinner. It is hard to adjust to the free time here. Unlike a lot of students, for my 2 studio courses there is no outside of class work. And for art history we only have to read occasionally. So being the opposite of Milwaukee, I literally don't know what to do with time. So I happily went back and painted some more, this is what I have been waiting for. Doing nothing all day everyday but mainly five things. 1. Enjoying Italy 2. Eating 3. Sleeping 4. Learning about Art 5. Creating art. I am finally calming down, relaxing, and maturing as an artist. I love the piece that only been worked on for one day. It gives me hope for the summer.

Dinner was great, Gino the older Italian man who took me to the hospital bought me a coke. He is adorable and reminds me of grandpa. Last night Gino told me that he would not drink the bottle of wine I got him unless I cheers the first glass with him. So we went in the back kitchen, I had one swig in my glass, his glass was full and we cheers to my heath and his. I will remember him always when I remember this trip. We barley communicate, but the friendship is there. After dinner went with some friends and got hot chocolate after in a little cafe because it was so cold and because we want to start exploring the town. It was the perfect end of a perfect day.

I can't wait for what is to come. But I must sleep first...

Nighty Night


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