Sunday, July 1, 2007

Ohhhh Yea Im living in Italy

To my blog readers few and friendly

Tonight is Sunday night and I am winding down from a fantastic weekend. Friday as expected I woke up and had and eight o'clock class as always. Then after class I hung around for a bit and then got ready for the pool. Me and Becca went down to town and had a quick lunch and then walked the long walk to the pool. We got there around 2 and sure enough the whole class and some more friends were there. We stayed and did nothing but relax the rest of the day. I swam for hours, did laps, had a diving contest, and handstand contest which i was victorious in. Then i feel asleep in the sun and got my stomach burnt to hell. Then when I awoke we had about an hour before dinner, so me and Becca went up on the terrace so i could work on my computer like a 30 mom that brings her laptop to the pool.

There for some reason Becca and I got into a conversation all about the life paths that we are now on. About how I had all this extra stress on my this summer to learn new programs, create an identity system for myself, new business card, new resume, etc etc... All so I can make sure that I am ahead of the competition when I get back. And in all this I began to explain about my work in AIGA, hopefully becoming part of the state board next year, our plans for the conference, and my questionable option to be president next year. Then it moved to my plans to get into a better gallery then the one I am at next year, and maybe even start to finally put a dent into the paint brush line. And while I was talking about this so casually, she stops me and says " Dena please Stop.... honestly its upsetting me" And Becca being a year older I think nothing of it. Becca goes on to say that she is no where near on the path that I am on to get where I need to be in life, but no matter where she is going to go in life that she would like to have me somewhat in her life. Because she sees the determination in my eyes and knows that I am going to make it , and hope that in turn it rubs off on her. I am sitting here, thinking about how stressed I am because maybe I am not up to par with people at school, and there is a woman almost 22 who reads every-night and talks so articulately with every sentence... telling ME that I am going to make it and she wants to be near me when I do.

It makes me close my laptop and relax if just for the day, I mean it is summer.

Then we walked to dinner and got to sleep early for the long saturday ahead.

Saturday we got up at 7 am and through some breakfast down our throats because we had to catch the hour long bus to Piensa. There we went to one cathedral in the morning, and had a couple hours of free time before the bus came again. As the trip goes on the less scheduled things we have and it is amazing. We jumped on a free tour down to a church from what i recall as the 1100's. We even got to climb down into a tomb under the nave (front of) the church, where there were gates and corridors. It was mind boggling to think of how many stones that I have touched that are thousands of years old, and still rest in the same place and position. We had a few minutes to spare, where I jumped into a little shop where I found my ring that I needed to find in Italy. It jumped out to me as the one, it was cheap, and pure silver. All the signs pointed to yes and this will be my ring from italy, it was a minor check off my mental list. Then we jumped on another hour long bus ride to Montepulciano. When we got off we all were in dire need of food and stopped off at a adorable little cafe where I for the first time fortunately got soup and salad. It was perfect. No more pasta..... ugh. We again had no plans, so after stopping in at of course a few more churches we were off to tour the famous town of wine, cheese, and leather. We did some nice shopping and got some a lot of free wine samples, salami samples, and saw some expensive but gorgeous leathers. It was a long long day so I slept on the last bus ride home. I did my weekly grocery shopping for next week, and I was up the long hill again. I went right to bed till nine thirty because I was determined to actually have a night out.

The whole time I have been here, I have not gone out and experienced the town. I have been beating myself up over it, but just not felt the want or need to go out as it seems most of the stuck up girls feel every night. But last week I had really fell into my groove, had some real bonding times with my close friends here, and decided it was time to go out into this town for real. We started out on the top of mountain with a few drinks and a private dance party of three. Then me and my two favorite girls went down into the packed packed town. It felt like i was walking right into the east side or third ward of milwaukee. We first stopped at a very chic bar with lots of couches and contemporary art. Then all the girls for this idea to go dancing at the bar route 66. I was shy at first because I had these negative connotations of a basement dance bar with bad tech-no and crowded dirty italians. And Becca and I thought we would just drop off the girls and sneak out.

Little did we know the amazing night ahead. We got to the bar and there was everyone from the program dancing there hearts out to the blues brothers. It was just what I had needed. I started to dance and "Baa beranne" came on the speakers and again everyone went nuts. It was an great mix of old classic american songs and new rap that was great to dance to. Me and my girls danced our hearts out like eI had never danced before on into the night. I think it was the release that we all needed. It was amazing, all of us in the bar in italy, sweat pouring down everyone one, dancing to songs from america. It made me feel wonderful. We left and sang all the way up the hill. I feel asleep so pleased with my piece of the nightlife in Italy. I had felt like my whole time here was either on the "tired tourist travel" as they call it or spent in the studio locked up. It was just what I needed, real life relaxation.

Sunday I got up slowly, and made a hugh breakfast of eggs, hash-browns, toast, yogurt, juice, and tea. With a full stomach I painted for hours, studied, got caught up with the family, and relaxed in the courtyard. I even got to taste the italian thrift store that is only open on sundays. Overall It was exactly what I needed. To take a second and go outside this tourist mind-state that I was going in. And take a second to enjoy why I decided to go on this long summer trip INSTEAD of the three week fast paced trip. I wanted to live and breath the culture, enjoy Italy as if I lived here one summer. And this weekend did all of that. It was deeply satisfying. It got me to stop reflecting upon negative things that I left in Milwaukee, and the here and now. I am LIVING in TUSCANY! I need to go out and enjoy it. Not stay inside and look at it from a far. I am fortunate to realize this before its too late. I am not going to loose focus or take anytime away from where I planned to go in my art while I'm here, I just need to make sure I don't miss out on a big reason I decided to stay the summer.

And I can't wait for many more of these weekends to come.

I am as always tired, and going to bed.

Goodnight all......... sleep well........

(Pictures will be to come and thats right I did not edit this haha)

~ ~LOVE~ ~


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