Sunday, August 5, 2007

Paris # 2 and end of the Trip


(The last two weeks of school are the hardest to blog)

To put it in the shortest version I can cause I got things to do !!!


When our train pulled into the station my heart was racing. We jumped off the train and looked around and found we were in the middle of no where. We went to the nearest information booth and all got maps only to find we were on the outskirts of paris. So we looked outside and found pictures of the metro and followed them. We get down into the metro station and buy a three day metro pass and jump on the metro that would take us closest to the downtown of Paris. We get to that station and walk up the stairs. And just like a movie we walked right into the middle of Paris, french buildings, french people, fashion, music, overcast lighting, it was all there. We gave ourselves a little time of dancing in the streets before we found a tourists information center and found enough brochures to last the trip. We got a hostel guide book, went to a Tabbacci and got a phone card, and then off to a pay phone. We set up the perfect system. Becca was on the Phone, I was holding the hostel book, and Anastasia was holding a metro map. I went from cheapest to most expensive hostel in the book. I would shout out the number and then the address and by the time we got word it was full we would have found out how to get there on the map. We must have called 15 hostels before we got a referred to a hostel that was not full. We called and got a reservation for two days. We jumped on another metro walked about 20 minutes and got to our gorgeous hostel. There was free breakfast, a lock on the door, and a balcony overlooking paris. It was more then I could have asked for.

So we dropped off all of our stuff, made some PB&J sandwiches and headed for the Louve. We jumped on the metros like we knew how and got to the museum. We just stood in awe at the largest museum I have ever seen. We got in and ran right for all the signs on the mona lisa. We walked and walked and then finally I walked past a room and saw it on the wall out of the corner of my eye. I turned my back to it immediately. I grabbed Becca's arm, "Becca Becca it is right there, behind us, oh my god". She did the same thing, she saw, and then turned right around. We were there holding arms, and we said " Ok are you ready to go see the Mona Lisa, ahh here we go". Then we turned and walked into the room. It was as beautiful as always. I loved it.

Then we walked around seeing countless masterpieces for four hours, and I literally got sick, thought I was going to throw up in the Louve, and it was getting late so we left. It was already about seven o'clock with our long day we sent out to no longer eat peanut butter and actually get some real food in us, so we walked to find a really cheap chinese place and had a delicious dinner. We went back to the hostel and had a quick nap. Anastasia wanted to stay in, but me and Becca were determined to see the Eiffel tower. So we got all dressed up, and went out about 10:30. We bought a bottle of wine and hoped on the metro. Then we figured out they only ran till 2 am, which was something to think about. All the metros were running so late and slow that it ended up getting to late and at 12:30 and two metros still to go we decided to just back track and go back. It was sadly uneventful.

Saturday we got up early, ate breakfast, and was off to the Orsay museum. We were there for almost longer then four hours. We saw all the famous Monet's, Van Goghs, and everything in between. It was one of the best days of my life. We then went off to see the famous arch, and to see the eiffel tower from a far. We walked along the river taking pictures and just taking in Paris. We went back early to the hostel to rest and get all dressed up. We went to a fancy restaurant and pulled out all the stops. Pretty much the whole trip besides this dinner, we ate fruit from fruit stands and PB&J sandwiches. We ordered appetizers, drinks, and had a wonderful evening. Then it was off to the Eiffel tower at night. We hoped again on the Metros and got close to the Tower. After seeing the tip forever and walking and walking.... we were there. We got to the outskirts of the park and literally like little girls we ran giggling all the way to the bottom of the tower. Then with about ten feet to the bottom we all stopped and looked up and said " wooooooowwwww". It was awesome. We stayed there for hours just taking in the moment. Then later we went back and rested for the next day ahead.

Sunday we again got up early and went right to Notre Dame. We waited in such a long line and then climbed all these stairs to what we had no idea what. We had gotten ourselves in the line to go up to the top. We arrive at the top of the stairs through is tiny tiny little stairway winding around and around. I again almost got sick, but the top was worth it. You could see all of Paris. It was of course breath taking. We also stood inline to go in, but it was so crowded it was hard to see anything. Then we decided to just take in Paris the rest of the day, because at around six we were off to the train station to catch our train back. We just walked around and found this little jazz band playing on one of the bridges and watched and talked with them all afternoon. Then after grabbing a last minute pastry we went back to the Eiffel tower for a nap in the afternoon and a few more pictures. We said our goodbyes and made it to the train station with an hour to spare, just enough time to grab a cheap hot sandwich. We got on the train and said goodbye to France.

It was exhausting to arrive on Monday and have to go right back to classes, but we did it, and it was one of the best weekends of my life. Little did I know the weekend after I would be seeing Jason Mraz face to face. At a concert of only fifty or so people, in a CASTLE! But that is another story.

I have decided to pack my camera away today, the Sunday before Venice. I want the rest of the time to have nothing to do but relax in Italy, spend that last few days in Venice, and say goodbye. To study abroad for any length of time is mind blowing and emotional. There is allot to think about. And while I can't wait to go back home and see my family and friends, it is going to be hard to leave this beautiful place.

To all my blog readers few and proud, I will hopefully write a follow up about Venice, but most likely this is Dena signing off and goodbye from my tour around Italy.

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