Saturday, July 7, 2007

June 4th - 7th

Hello all..... :)

I started my independence day this year by waking up at 5:30 in the morning and getting all dazzled up for my day in Florence. I said almost three years ago that I will not be working at the country club my second year into college because that summer I planned to be in Florence. I had it planned out then that I could not go freshmen year, for it was too soon. And junior year I plan to be working in an internship. So I knew that I would get my butt to Florence this summer even then. And Wednesday I woke up knowing that I have reached my ultimate goal. I knew that getting to Italy was the hard part, but it was somewhat of a compulsion the first step I took getting off train in the renowned city. I actually told myself to make this memory.... one small step for the Nord Family.... one giant leap for Dena. It was incredible. I hardly even got to see the city as much though because right from the train we were rushed on a fast walk to get to the restoration institute. My painting teacher new a friend of a friend that let us in on a tour where only 15 students were allowed to attend! When we got there we got a small introduction to the school, museum, and work space where only fifth-teen students a year were admitted after an extensive recruitment process. And then we got taking into this big warehouse where there were works of art from the 1200's to 1400's ALL AROUND US. I was like a kid in a candy store. I couldn't believe it. Then we were taking to the back of the warehouse to see what I will never ever forget. It was the famous crucifixion cross by Giotto. I was standing right over one of the most famous crosses ever made from an artist that changed and made the Renaissance period. I was in awe. We got to see all the x-rays they do on a painting and the micro scans that are all full scale to this 15 foot long piece. Some other altar pieces that were there had been there for 12 years! It made me appreciate art as a whole and especially Italy so much from that point on. Were were getting told over and over again that this would be a day that we would remember forever.

Later that day we had lunch as a group and then just bounced around Florence seeing little things and one major cathedral where I took my favorite "feet" picture of the trip so far, standing in front of the famous "holy trinity". We didn't have much time before we had to run to the train station and go back home. When we had got to Camucia, the down below Cortona in the valley, we just missed the last bus for a few hours so we had to walk 45 minutes up hill to make it in time for our dinner. This was a dinner we could not miss, because in light of the holiday we were getting hamburgers and fries. We almost jogged our way to get the tasty dinner. My ads are already in plain view and my belly is dropping more and more everyday, and I can't wait to show off my new ass when I get back in the states haha! ( Just kidding Dad ) After dinner i was so exhausted I just passed out because I had a critique at 8 in the morning on thursday. The day went so fast on Thursday because I was still in a haze from what I had seen the day before, the only thing I did predictively was I learned how to mix paint by just having the raw pigment power and the mixing medium ingredients. It was one check I wanted to get off my life list. That night I didn't even go to dinner bacsue I just wanted to sleep and get some more work done on the logo I am making for myself.

Friday after my morning class I decided to have an adventure and I just hopped on the bus to the larger down Camucia for the afternoon. There I found the best Chinese restaurant any where around her and just window shopped around for awhile. It was nice to be out of the little bitty town of Cortona. It was a nice day for some alone time. I went back to paint all night and go out for a nice dinner. I had a drink after dinner with some friends and went again right back into bed. Because we had to be out and down at the bus at 7 am the next day, and I had still not caught up on my sleep from Florence.

The Saturday field trip was pretty good. We started in Arezzo where we saw a nice medieval museum and of course another famous cathedral. I got lost trying to find the contemporary art museum, but it was a fun adventure. In mid-day it was back on the bus for we were off to Sansepolcro for the remaining afternoon. There was only time for a little museum of contemporary art and while we were in it there was a frenzy of police. And of course two of our student decided to go up on the roof for some pictures and decided to do it while the VICE PRESIDENT OF ITALY was in the building. It made for an interesting afternoon. Then we jumped back on the bus for Cortona. When we got back into town, and I did my weekly grocery shopping and went back up to the dorms. I had some dinner, typed this ridiculously long blog, tried to add pictures that didn't work, and now I am going to close my computer for it is Saturday night and I want to go out. I miss you all and I will write again soon.



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