Monday, July 16, 2007


Last weekend was the weekend of Florence part two.

Last Friday my classes my classes ended early due to cancellations and I spent the rest of the day getting packed and ready for the long weekend ahead. I took a well-deserved nap, and got up and headed down to the bus around 4 o'clock and got to the Camucia train station by 4:15. That gave me time to jump on the 4:30 train to Florence. On the train I thought about how great it was going to be to see a familiar face. Unlike most of my peers from Cortona, I was luckily going to stay with my friend Kathryn at her apartment in Florence, compared to paying for a hotel or hostel. I got to Florence around 6 and Kathryn was not expected to be back in Florence till 6:30, so I wandered around all the vendors and took in a little bit of the city that I left just a week ago. Not to long after, I went to our meeting spot of McDonalds, and waited for my friends. A couple minutes pass and Kathryn and I saw each other from across the station; seeing a familiar face was just what I needed. We walked to apartment right next to Gucci. Kathryn was literally living in the hart of Florence, much different from what I am experiencing in Cortona. The whole time during my time with Kathryn I was, reflecting upon my decision of choosing UGA over Milwaukee’s program.

Kathryn’s apartment was beautiful. She was living with five other girls in a three-bedroom apartment complete with a living room and kitchen. In my head I was comparing it to my tiny dorm room complete with bunk beds. I admit I was a little jealous at their magnificent palace. After dropping my things off and getting settled we all went out to dinner around the corner at a close little restaurant. After meeting all of Kathryn’s new friends we went back to her apartment to get ready for a night on the town. We got all dolled up and went to a bar right across the street from the Florence Duomo built in the early 1300’s. It was mind blowing. We had our fun and left early for the long day we all had tomorrow. I went to bed on a huge fantastic couch to myself and slept in a little till 8:30. I was ready and out the door by five after nine to take a nice stroll and even stop and get a coffee on my solo walk to met the Cortona program. After a brief description of the day I was forced to make the decision of either going to a scientifically museum of experiments from the 1800’s, going to a drawing museum, or going to the Bargello sculpture museum for art history. At the last minute I jumped on the tour to the Bargello for Lilliana the art history teacher was so knowledgeable I could not miss this opportunity.

We got the museum at ten and walked in as a group. I was not ready for the amazing works in this museum. There were so many bronze and marble sculptures that I had been learning about for years! It was all most overwhelming at ten in the morning. After an hour of gawking we went to the place that changed my life. The Uffitzi.

At 11 we had tickets to go to the Uffitzi. Painters were first. I again was not mentally prepared for the museum. We were given a list of art to see in each room, a quick look over the list instantly gave me goose bumps. I entered and walked straight to Botticelli’s “birth of Venus” and started there. I can’t even right about all the work that one by one was checked off my list. But more than once I was unexpectedly overcome with emotion and had to collect my thoughts. Lets just say I put my Ipod on for four hours and walked around a palace that now housed some of the most famous painting in the world. I will never forget it.

After the Uffitzi I ran cross Florence to the other side of the river only stopping for a on the go piece of pizza and a drink. I met my painting teacher at the Burchelli chapel to see some frescos that also blew my mind. After that I was exhausted and me and some girls decided to just go relax in the Florence gardens for the rest of the afternoon. After resting I met up with Kathryn once again at her apartment for tea with Allison my old painting teacher. We discussed both of our trips and got caught up. Afterwards Kathryn and me got some quick dinner, came back, and watched a movie because we were exhausted. Then went to bed early.

We got up late and well rested and walked to the train station once again. This time were taking a day trip to Pisa. The only goal in mind was to take the classic tourist picture that millions have done. Basically we got off the train walked a half-hour to the tower, took pictures for an hour and walked back. It was fantastic. This gave us time to hop on the four something train back to Florence.

We got to Florence around six, this gave me an hour to go back to Kathryn’s grab my stuff get another quick bit to eat, and be back for the seven train. There were some problems getting home as mother found out, but I was home safe late Sunday night.

It was a long long weekend, but one I will remember forever.

The end.


P.S. I don't know why my pictures are up here multiple times.....

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